Highly Capable


Finley School District will be testing students for the Highly Capable (gifted/talented) Program this spring. There are multiple definitions of highly capable, from intellectual to academic to artistic.  If you feel your child qualifies under one or more of these definitions and should be tested for this program, please contact the District Highly Capable Liaison, Stephanie Bradshaw, at 509-586-7577 or by email at [email protected] .  Students may qualify in grades Kindergarten through grade 12.  If qualified, they are served throughout their school career, unless you request your child be removed from the program.  Currently, students are served in their regular classrooms.


El Distrito Escolar Finley estará probando a los estudiantes para el Programa de Altamente Apto or Capáz (dotado / talentoso) este año escolar. Hay múltiples definiciones de altamente capaz, de intellectual, hasta académico o artístico. Si cree que su hijo califica bajo una o más de estas definiciones y debe ser probado para este programa, por favor comuníquese con el Maestra de Alta Capacidad, Stephanie Bradshaw, al 509-586-7577 o por correo electrónico a [email protected]. Los estudiantes pueden calificar en los grados desde kindergarten hasta el grado 12. Si califican, se les sirve durante toda su carrera escolar, a menos que usted solicite que su hijo sea removido del programa. Actualmente, los estudiantes son servidos en sus clases regulares.


OSPI - Highly Capable

WAC Chapter 392-170

RCW Chapter 28A-185

Family Engagement Policy Survey

Encuesta de participacion familiar


Stephanie Bradshaw
District Highly Capable Liaison

Veronica Chenault
FMS Building Highly Capable Coordinator

Sandra See
RVHS Building Highly Capable Coordinator

Amy McLaughlin
Director of Special Programs


Program Offerings

Program Timeline

Program Nomination/Permission to Test Form (2190 F-1)

Program Appeal/Review Form (2190 F-3)

2190 Highly Capable Procedures

Formulario de Nominacion / Permiso para Prueba de Programa Alta Capacidad

2190 Highly Capable Programs
73.0 KB PDF