Inclement Weather Information
Occasionally, severe weather may make it necessary for the buses to run late. On rare occasions school may be canceled. When this happens, announcements will be made on local radio stations starting at 6:00 a.m.
All school closure and/or emergency information will posted on our district website home page, as well as via:
Please do NOT call the schools or bus drivers regarding school closure or delay information. The decision process whether to close or delay school is as follows:
- Transportation supervisor drives all routes to assess road conditions
- Transportation supervisor contacts the superintendent and advises him of road conditions
- Superintendent confers with other local superintendents
- Finley Superintendent makes final decision to keep school open, closed, implement a two-hour delay or early release
Finley School District also utilizes the media notification system Flash Alert Newswire to communicate its school closure/delay information with local TV, radio, and news stations as needed. As soon as a decision has been made to delay or close school, this information is posted to the Flash Alert website. Parents are encouraged to check this website in the mornings for accurate and reliable information direct from the District. Visit our website at www.finleysd.org to connect to FlashAlert.