It is the intent of the Finley School District to bus all students to and from school. (Finley Elementary students are not permitted to walk or ride bicycles to school.) We want the ride on buses to be safe and pleasant. Throughout the year bus drivers and teachers review safety rules with students. We would also like you to discuss the rules and the reasons for bus rules with your child.
Glass items and pets are not allowed on school buses for safety reasons. Children should be extremely careful at bus stops and when crossing streets. Children should understand that bus stops become dangerous when pushing and shoving occurs. Good behavior at the bus stops in the morning is especially important. Please discuss with your children the importance of good behavior while waiting for the bus to come.
If you want your child to ride a different bus than his/her usual one, he/she will need a note requesting this, signed by his/her parent or guardian. These notes are first approved by the office and then given to the bus driver by the student. Due to the limited seating for students on buses, we will not be able to transport extra students for club meetings or birthday parties. Students riding buses are not allowed to leave the school grounds once they arrive at school. After school no student will be allowed to leave a school bus unless they have been appropriately checked out with a pink slip thorough the office.
Students are responsible for their behavior from the time they leave school until they return the next morning. This includes their interaction with other students on the bus and at the bus stop. The understanding is the same: "No one has the right to interfere with the learning, safety, and well-being of others" and each student is to "Do what is expected and do it the best that they can."